Thursday, July 9, 2009

Is A Kiss Just Merely a Kiss?

Most definitely not! What an understatement. A kiss is not just a kiss- it is so much more. A kiss is perhaps the most romantic (not sexual) activity a couple can do together. Kissing can do wonders for your dating relationship.

But, many people, who have been out of the dating game for a long time either because they were married or in a long term relationship, are finding themselves re-entering the world of dating and it may feel like a three ring circus. Their minds are crowded with questions like –

· Should I be demure or should I be assertive? (for women)

· Since I’ve been out of the kissing loop for years, are there new ways to kiss?

· Are their new kissing rules?

· What if I mess up that first kiss?

· How do I know, what the guy ( or gal) wants from a kiss?

So many questions!! But not to worry, it is solvable. Read on to find out a bit more about kissing. Who knows, might even learn a few new pointers.

People have different preferences for being kissed and getting kissed so it is important that you discover these little differences pretty early on. The first kiss is still a special kiss, no matter how old you are.

Now for the ladies reading this, many of you wonder and have even asked -

How do you kiss a man?

Most women know that kissing can do wonders to ignite passion and do wonders for your love relationship. My dating tip for all of you this: If you fancy that guy, kiss him! Now I am not saying you should make that first move. That is a choice that only you can make. Some men will be flattered that you kiss them first. Just be careful about the approach; no man will complain about female attention unless it is unwanted, too aggressive or he is attached.

If you are already in a relationship with him ( I mean like he refers to you as his girlfriend), you may want to side over to your guy and get cuddly with him. Lean up against him, feel the sparks between you fly, engage his eyes then lean in for the kiss, slow but sure, flirtatious yet profound. Pull away and feel him be drawn to you! Yes, let that kiss be the beginning of a sizzling romantic encounter for the two of you.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Romantic Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Looking for romantic Father’s Day gift ideas that will show the man in your life just how much he is really loved and appreciated?

1. Let him have full undisturbed control of the remote. Yes, let him watch whatever he wants all day long. No sighing, heavy breathing, rolling your eyes or any of that "disapproval" stuff. He will think he is in hog heaven.

2. Wait on him hand and foot. For fun, you may even consider a slight curtsy or bow along with referring to him as "Sir" or " My lord." After the shock wears off, he may really enjoy the special treatment.

Let Your Actions Speak For You

Saying I love you is not easy for everybody. Sometimes we stumble and fall over what we want to say. Net everyone is good at verbal expressions. If that is the case with you, why not let your actions say what your heart really means?

You maybe surprised that the one you love appreciates you showing your love for them buy doing special things, remembering special things, and taking the time to make sure they are happy. Yes, loving someone entails doing what you can to make them happy.

Now don't get me wrong, sending flowers is still a great way to express your feelings, but take time and think outside the box. Think how can I show Steve or Mary my love?

If he would enjoy a nice peaceful evening, plan one for him.
If she likes to shop, take her on a shopping spree.
If he has a favorite sport, surprise him and take him to that kind of event.
If she loves to be pampered, arrange for her to have a day at the spa. She will love it.

Take some time to think of the many ways to express your love and just simply DO IT!